Pocket pets are cute but do not underestimate their needs because they are little! Here are some tips on proper care for your pocket pets

Tip 1: Caring for hamsters
A hamster is a great first pet for your child but caring for them is no easy feat! Hamsters are nocturnal in nature, which means they can have a tendency to nip when awakened in the day. Keep their cage away from direct sunlight!
Hamster feed is fuss-free. Most pet stores offer a healthy hamster mix, but do treat them to an occasional lettuce or carrot snack!
If kept happy they can live between two to three years, sometimes a bit longer.
Tip 2: Caring for gerbils
A gerbil is a suitable pet for older kids. Gerbils are sociable by nature; so it is best to get a pair.
Be sure to get them an exercise wheel and extra bedding for their playing and digging pleasure! One thing to note is that they have poor eyesight, so out-of-cage activities should be kept on low ground.
Gerbils tend to pick out the tasty treats in a commercial gerbil seed mix and leave the sunflower seeds alone but do not worry; they will nibble on those later!
If kept happy they can live between five to eight years, sometimes a bit longer.
Tip 3: Caring for Chinchillas
Chinchillas are suitable for older kids too. They are smart and loving.
Chinchillas require a lot of attention and may become extremely attached to their owner if it lives alone.
Chinchillas are vegetarians and have highly-sensitive stomachs compared to us humans – owners must be extra careful with their diet. Most commercial mixes for chinchillas are produced in wholesome, pellet forms. Make sure its food bowl is always full!
If kept happy, these types of pets can live between 15 to 20 years, sometimes longer!
To find out more about responsible pet ownership, please visit: www.petsforlife.com.sg
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