As a busy parent, it’s important not to forget to schedule time for yourself too
By Susan Koh
If there’s one thing that mums don’t get enough, it’s time for ourselves. Like uninterrupted, undisturbed time when someone is not asking you to find a lost toy or asking what’s for tea break.
A Break Once in a While
As a working mum, I’m actually thankful to have time away from Sophie. Don’t get me wrong, I love my role as a mum and do wish I can spend more time with her.
But there are times when, gosh, I wish I could press the “off” button in her so that she will go to bed promptly at bed time and nap time, stop asking a zillion and one questions or even just play quietly by herself.
But since I only have 24 hours, I end up sleeping late most nights so that I can do my own things, like blogging, surfing the Internet, watching my drama serials and, lately, picking up scrapbooking again.

Downtime for Yourself & the Family
My first project for myself is to make a travel album to record all our happy moments spent on our family vacations, from Taiwan to Hong Kong, this year. I love poring through my photographs and seeing them brings a smile to me as I recall the moments behind them.
Don’t forget to take time for your hobbies today, be it baking, photography or scrapbooking like me. Doing the things I love and enjoy puts me in a happy place. Don’t we all need a healthy dose of happiness every day?
Do link up every Monday on what motivates you to be better, be it a fitness goal, parenting, marriage, etc. Share your recent posts and encourage someone.
I host Motivational Monday every week and I hope that you can join me every Monday. Have a great week ahead!
About A Juggling Mom
Susan is a mom who is learning to juggle the many roles of being a mom, wife, daughter and career woman on a daily basis. A Juggling Mom is a parenting and lifestyle blog in which she chronicles the many roles that she plays, especially her journey and adventures as a mother to a toddler.
She hopes to share resources on how moms can lead a balanced life and be a happy, healthy and fulfilled mom. Susan says that being a mother has been one of her most gratifying and rewarding roles.