New Similac Gain IQ formulas are tailored to the needs of growing children
As children go through crucial developmental years, it is important that they are provided with the essential nutrients for growth. Good nutrition plays a vital role in supporting the child’s mental and physical development.
Ensure that you provide your child with a balanced and varied diet everyday. A fundamental part of your child’s healthy diet is milk – give your child a head start in life with a milk formula which provides key nutrients to support overall growth and development.

Growing-Up Milk
Nutrients for visual & cognitive development
The Similac Gain IQ (Intestinal Quality) range of products features a system of nutrients that is scientifically formulated with the changing nutritional needs of your growing child.
The EyeQ Plus system is now enhanced with Intelli-Pro, a unique blend of lutein with DHA to support brain and eye development. Formulated for absorption, Similac Gain IQ contains Lutein, DHA, AA, Taurine and Choline in a unique lipid blend that is Palm Olein free.
Lutein is an integral part of the eyes’ retina and a predominant carotenoid that concentrates in key areas of the brain that regulate overall brain function, cognition, vision, hearing and speech. It also has antioxidant properties that may help to protect important Omega 3 fatty acids, such as DHA which accumulates in brain cells from oxidative damage.

Pre-School Milk
With your child through every stage
During the first three years of life, it is important that toddlers are provided with the essential nutrients and calories to support brain development.
Pre-schoolers have higher nutrient demands to fuel growth and development, so adequate nourishment continues to be vital.
The Similac Gain IQ formulas are designed to help meet your child’s daily nutritional requirements at every stage, as part of a balanced and varied diet.
The Similac Gain IQ formula provides nutrients for children in different stages of development. From one year onwards, the Gain IQ helps to support brain, eye and bone development as well as healthy digestion and tolerance, as the brain cells make important connections to each other and the right combination of nutrients is needed to support this development.
From three years on, the bones need calcium as well as key nutrients; so on top of this formula, your active child needs a variety of food to meet his daily requirements. Give your kids fruit and grain-based food such as bread, porridge and noodles for meals. Sweets should only be taken in moderation.
Nutrients such as lutein and DHA can be found in foods such as spinach and salmon while taurine can be found in seafood and meat. Supplemented with Similac Gain IQ, your little one will get what he or she needs.