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Experience studying in Australia or New Zealand

Get all the information you need to study abroad in Australia or New Zealand at IDP Education’s open day

If you are making your decision to further your studies abroad, check out the “Study in Australia and New Zealand Open Day” by IDP Education.

With over 30 participating institutes, you can get information directly from the horse’s mouth as the institution representatives will be there.

You will get a first-hand opportunity to break out of your comfort zone, adapt to a new environment and immerse yourself in a multicultural community experience. And, it is not far away from home.

Direct from the Source

The “Study in Australia and New Zealand Open Day” is organised in conjunction with the release of the IB and GCE ‘O’ Level exam results. It is also timely enough for GCE ‘A’ Level and polytechnic students to explore overseas options.

With the representatives from over 30 institutions present, you can ask all the questions you need regarding courses, your interests as well as clarify queries regarding school fees and accommodation.

There will also be some professors present at the event and you can enquire about your relevant course information.

Similar Yet Broader

The majority of the professional degrees available in Australia follow the British system, such as Law and Medicine, which is quite similar to Singapore. However, there is a gamut of courses found in these universities which cannot be found in Singapore.

Tutorial sessions in these universities adopt an open-class concept. Students are encouraged to discuss their difference in opinion to add flavour and value to the lessons.

All general and non-professional degrees are recognised as long as the qualifications are approved by the Australian Government. Most professional degrees such as Medicine, Law and Dentistry have been accredited by the relevant professional bodies.

There is also a myriad of electives available for picking. Students are able to select from an extensive range of inter-disciplinary or non-related electives of their choice and interests, without any restrictions or an elective bidding system.
Ample places are available to students who register their modules early in the semester.

Who Will Be There

Universities such as Macquarie University, The University of New South Wales, Queensland University, Murdoch University, The University of Melbourne, University of Auckland, Wintec, as well as multi-state universities such as Curtin Singapore and Taylors College will be present.

Do ask them all the relevant questions so that they may advise you on your application success rate, and credit exemptions for those with polytechnic diplomas.

Application for Mar and Jul 2014 and beyond will be considered. Advice on scholarships will also be provided.

The IDP Education “Study in Australia and New Zealand Open Day” will be held on Jan 11 & 12, 2014, at Parkroyal on Beach Road, 7500A Beach Road, Singapore 199591, from 11am to 4.30pm. Visit www.singapore.idp.com to register.