Instead of usual city holidays or cultural experiences, you can opt for the raw beauty of North America rushing past you in an adrenaline-fuelled water adventure You probably have a bucket list of the places you’d like to travel to ...
Feel the rush as you leap from the world’s highest commercial jump-off point In 1979, the first bungee jumpers were arrested for leaping off a 76-metre high suspension bridge in Bristol, England. Today, you need not run foul of the ...
It’s fun, exhilarating, and can be even more exciting when you tumble down the slopes Sandboarding or sand-surfing are popular activities anywhere where there are sand dunes. The sport is said to have originated in ancient Egypt thousands of years ...
The Sanfermines festival in Pamplona, Spain, attracts thousands of daredevils and party goers each year Spain isn’t Spain without bulls. If you feed off adrenaline and are brave enough to run for your life as rampaging bulls close in on ...
Native American powwows promise a spectacular event of colour, rhythms, heritage, spiritual symbols and fun There’s no better way to discover the heritage of North America than to attend a powwow, a unique gathering event of the Native American peoples. ...
Sunny days and beach holidays go together like butter on toast. Here are the best beaches in the world for a paradise experience for you Everyone needs a vacation every now and then. Instead of heading to the same old ...
For a slice of paradise, immerse yourself in the picturesque beauty and serenity of Guilin, with its clear blue waters and rolling hills For a break from the skyscrapers, noisy roads and fast pace of city life, consider holidaying in ...