The western world seems to be coming up with more and more “burger” hybrids. We round up a few insane ones
More burger hybrids seem to be popping up in the great US of A, with one or two Canadian exceptions. Some of them sound so artery-clogging, yet you can’t help but be curious to try.
Here are a few we found from the USA, land of the fa… Sorry, we mean free.
Cronut Burger
OK, granted, this one isn’t from the USA. It’s from their neighbour, Canada. These Cronut burgers from EPIC Burgers & Waffles in Toronto caused quite a, well, jam. Literally.
The Cronut burgers contained tainted maple bacon jam from the chain’s supply partner, which caused mass food poisoning.
Luther Burger
Legend has it that this burger was invented by the singer Luther Vandross but the veracity of this story is unknown.
It comprises a standard cheese burger but in between a Krispy Kreme, or other variant of glazed doughnut, and can run up to a 1,500 calories!

Ramen Burger
Created by Keizo Shimamoto of Smorgasburg and combining the worst of college foods, ramen and burgers, you get the Ramen Burger.
It consists of a fresh USDA Prime ground chuck beef patty in between ramen noodle patties with a leaf or two of vegetables in between with special sauce. This “burger” fad seems to be taking off – they were last seen at this year’s Oktoberfest in the USA.

Mac Attack
Chicago’s Rockit Burger Bar came up with this beauty. A gourmet burger sandwiched between deep-fried macaroni and cheese “bread”. Rockit’s answer to the ramen burger, this burger has been christened “best thing ever” by celebrity blogger Perez Hilton.
Rockit Burger Bar also has gems such as a venison burger topped with foie gras, apples, red wine jam and truffle fries.

Quadruple Bypass Burger
From the infamous Heartattack Grill, where people above 350 pounds or 160kg eat for free and the staff dresses up as nurses and doctors. Almost everything is steeped in grease and fat.
They were voted for having the most caloric burger (as they so proudly proclaim on their website) with their Octuple Bypass Burger. Several people have collapsed from real heart attacks in this joint. Try at your own risk.
As seen on Epic Burgers & Waffles, Rockit Burger Bar, and Ramen Burger‘s Facebook pages.