18-20 May: Tuck into a durian feast, celebrate our local Chinese culture, and check out Asia's first sexual wellness festival!

Photo: SPARK Fest Asia
7. Check out Asia’s first sexual wellness festival
It’s time for sex, pleasure, and relationship konversations as SPARK Fest Asia holds its inaugural standalone edition of SPARK Fest 2018, Asia’s first sexual wellness festival in Singapore. Happening on 19 May, the event will take place at The Hive Lavender, and will feature Konversations, a series of expert panels and talks, art installations, an exciting marketplace with good food and live music, as well as workshops for visitors to participate in. Asia’s first Sextech Hackathon will also take place, where a community of innovators and problem-solvers from all walks of life gather together under the mentorship of an international panel of sextech experts. For those of you unfamiliar with sextech, the term is defined as technology, and technology-driven ventures designed to enhance, innovate and disrupt in every area of human sexuality and human sexual experience. This could mean addressing challenges from access to quality sex education, long-distance relationships,disability and sex, to closing the pleasure on third age sex. Find out more at the event! More information here. The Hive Lavender Level 6, Vanguard Building, 1 Kallang Junction, Singapore 339263ADVERTISEMENTS
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