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#TheWeekendList: 12-14 October

12 - 14 October: Have a family-friendly Halloween at LEGOLAND Malaysia, geek out with international gaming stars, and meet Pikachu at a Japanese Autumn festival

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Photo: Quayside Pup Club

6. Treat your dog to healthy dog-friendly ice-cream every month

We’re all about eating healthy, and that doesn’t have to exclude our furry friends! Your dogs get a special sweet treat starting 14 October, as the pop-up Quayside Pup Club launches its first edition. Take your pup out for a stroll along the Quayside, before enjoying healthy dog-friendly ice-cream by Talya’s Sorvete. The local artisan pet supplier sets up their cart at the Quayside every second Sunday of the month, from 11am to 4pm. Their “Pupsicles” do not use preservatives, sugar and dairy, giving your puppies all the nutrition they need while helping them beat the summertime heat. Don’t forget to snap a selfie with your pup against the cute animated ice-cream cart for the ‘gram!

60 Robertson Quay, The Quayside, Singapore 238252

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