Acne outbreaks are pretty common in both teenagers and adults alike, and victims are often left with acne scars. These scars can range from red patches of the skin to deep marks that are very obvious and hard to hide.
How do acne scars form?
Acne lesions or pimples appears when the hair follicles or pores become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Bacteria starts to proliferate at the areas and create these red, pus-filled red “bumps” known as pimples.
During wound healing, the shape of the skin tissue is changed and the aberrant formation of collagen eventually causes the formation of acne scars.
Before looking at acne scar treatments, it is important to know what type of scars you have, as different acne scars require a different set of treatments.
• Rolling scars: Wavy in appearance, bumpy skin texture.
• Boxcar scars: Similar to rolling scars, but with more obvious, defined edges.
• Ice-pick scars: Deep dot-like scars that are pitted.
• Hypertrophic scars: Scars that protrude from the skin.
If home remedies and over-the-counter medications have all been ineffective in treating your acne and reducing acne scars – perhaps it is time to get professional help.
In most instances, a single type of acne scar treatment may not be the most effective. A combination of different treatment types will usually produce significantly better results.
Who should you find in Singapore for acne scar treatment?