UPDATE: As it turns out, the news report claiming that the man behind online satirical group SMRT Ltd (Feedback) has been arrested was a spoof. The online article has since been taken down.
Read more here: Man files report after fake web article claims he was arrested for online vigilantism (The Straits Times)
For years, the team behind parody site SMRT Ltd (Feedback) have been a shrouded mystery. But that may be changing soon
Asia One published their report earlier on today on their arrest of the man behind SMRT Ltd (Feedback). The crime? His alleged links to WikiLeaks. The man was having several mugs of teh tarik at Arab Street when the officers of Singapore Police Force’s Cybercrime division conducted their raid.

Rescuing the dame in distress
SMRT Ltd (Feedback) have been merciless in their shaming of Singapore’s top hated man of the moment, Jover Chew. They managed to acquire Jover Chew’s personal particulars through online resources and directories. Once they acquired his full profile, they published it relentlessly on their Facebook page, to much cheers and support from online citizens.

More worrying signs
Straits Times published their report this morning too, on the suspension of SMRT Ltd (Feedback)’s PayPal account. But I do suppose that is not an issue – PayPal has blind safety precautions that falls automatically in place when it detects a significant increase in account activity.
What is worrying is that we have actually activated even PayPal’s interest. SMRT Ltd (Feedback) have proven how powerful they are, with so many Singaporeans willing to help further their cause of belting out retribution to the deserving Jover Chew.
Hope in humanity restored!

What comes after?
Will SMRT Ltd (Feedback) get arrested? We highly doubt it, seeing that SMRT Ltd (Feedback) has shown no concern about the newest development and arrest. They even had the cheek to upload a new profile photo! They look smashing indeed.
They have also released a disclaimer relieving them of any legal responsibility, a notice that we would advise you to read carefully instead of clicking “skip” like it was another lengthy terms and condition prompt from iTunes.
But a curious thought comes to mind. SMRT Ltd (Feedback) has certainly proven their might through this saga, but will their followers stand by them should they run into political trouble? Singaporeans are notorious for their indifference and lack of action when it comes to these sticky matters. Which side will they stand on this time?
I wonder.
By Nicole Lee
Editor’s Note: The link for Asia One’s report of arrest has been taken down – it was just a hoax! Our heroes live another day.
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