Some drinks we fondly remember from our childhoods have gone missing from the shelves, we recount them here
Fizzy drinks and sodas are frequently a fond memory for many children because it is usually forbidden by parents to consume at will. This means most children only have fizzy drinks on a somewhat momentous occasion.
Now as adults, we remember certain drinks that seem to have disappeared completely from our shelves, or have become so elusive that finding the Loch Ness monster would been easier. Here are a few we fondly miss:

Some may remember the bright pink cans and red logos of the Sinalco drink deceptively holding an orange-coloured fizz that tasted nothing like orange. Confusing, we know. The drink seems to have completely disappeared off our shelves as we do recall being able to get them just a few years ago. The company is still producing a wide range of Sinalco drinks and tonic water in Germany. However, we think one or two mama-shops here and there should sell the odd can of Sinalco. STATUS: Elusive
Green Spot
This fizzy orange drink used to come in glass bottles and was invented in 1934 in the USA. The drink is no longer popular in the USA, or even here, but it can be found in Thailand and Venezuela. You might find a few tetra paks in Hong Kong where it was once the “it” drink. STATUS: Elusive
RC Cola
Royal Crown Cola, affectionately known as RC Cola, used to be manufactured by the National Aerated Water Co. Ltd back in the day. It apparently tastes like a slightly bland version of Coca-Cola. RC Cola can be found in some states in the USA where it was created in 1905. Anyone who wants to try to bring it back here? Please do! STATUS: Elusive
Anything and Whatever
“If you give me anything, I will give you whatever.” We recall the tagline of these sodas quite vividly. The drinks are unmarked and come with a generic design, resulting in a surprise each time the can is bought. “Anything” was carbonated and came in six flavours ranging from lemon to root beer, while “Whatever” had flavours such as peach tea and lemon tea. The marketing, although cheesy, made quite a mark with its visual bus-stop ads with aluminium cans framing the poster (and made further headlines from the resulting harvest from tin collectors). STATUS: Extinct
Heaven and Earth

Remember the days when Heaven and Earth first launched in 2001? They used to have a multitude of flavours such as Quince Tea, Mandarin Orange Tea, and Orchid Tea. We recall liking the Orchid Tea quite a bit when we were younger. Now, Heaven and Earth has boring flavours such as Jasmine Green Tea, Iced Lemon Tea, and the recent addition, unsweetened Ayataka Green Tea. Yawn. STATUS: Extinct
Credit: Images used here link back to the rightful copyright owners
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