We speak with actor Windson Liong about his new role as a dreamy young boy in the Singapore Lyric Opera production, Pursuant
Most recognised as Chan Mun Kit in the Channel 5 programme, Moulmein High, Windson Liong has since performed in London and in several local productions.
Windson is currently playing the lead character in Pursuant, where dreaming is strictly prohibited and regarded as an illness requiring treatment. We speak with him on his new ‘dreamy’ role.
Are you a dreamer like your character Ethan is in Pursuant?
Yes, I would say so. To quote a line from the show, “Dreaming is how my soul strives.” Dreaming is definitely a big part of who I am. Everything begins with a dream. It propels me to take action towards making them a reality.
Have you always been interested in acting since you were a child?
I wasn’t really exposed to acting when I was a child, but I knew I’ve always been interested in singing since I was young.
My primary school classmates made a class scrapbook to celebrate the end of the exams, and on the last page, we had to paste our baby pictures on it and write down what we wanted to be when we grew up.
I wasn’t very sure what I wanted to be back then, but I wrote “singer” anyway, because I really loved to sing, and that was the first thing that came to my mind!
Who or what is it that Inspires you?
My father’s silent and selfless love is my constant source of inspiration. He has given me his whole life and everything that he could possibly give, so that I could have a shot to be anything at all in my life.
You’ve been in the business of acting since 2001. Have you had any memorable or funny moments on set?
Hahaha! Too many to mention! Though, the funniest moment has got to be when I split my jeans from doing a split jump on stage during a finale number. My friends from that show are still making a joke out of it ‘til this day!
Having performed in London before, how does the theatre scene there differ from here?
The main difference is definitely the quantity and diversity of shows available. There is virtually no taboo that London’s theatre will not tackle. Ever since censorship on stage was abolished in 1968, you can put up anything and everything you want.
Of course, whether or not audiences will be interested or happy to watch the show is a whole different story. In general, there is a lot more artistic freedom in London.

Do you have a dream role that you would like to play?
Yes, I would love to play Jekyll and Hyde in the Broadway musical version of Jekyll and Hyde someday!
What is your idea of a dream weekend?
My dream weekend would be to spend the day swimming with dolphins and relaxing the evening away on the beach, admiring the beauty of the setting sun with a glass of champagne in hand.
By night time, the moonshine will illuminate the beach with a soft gentle glow, and as I gaze up to the starry sky from my hammock, a shooting star will streak across the sky and I will fall asleep smiling, lulled by the gentle breeze and soothing symphony of waves flapping against the sand.
Pursuant is in theatres from May 31 to Jun 8. Tickets from Sistic, $30-$40.