A musical where dreaming and frivolity is illegal
Set in the year 2023, in a familiar country called SingaCorp, Pursuant is an original musical that follows the adventures of young Ethan, a secondary school boy with an unstoppable capacity for dreaming.
The only problem is, dreaming is illegal and dreamers are arrested and sent for treatment.
Ethan’s wild dreams soon spiral into a nightmare when he is captured and sent to a high security concentration camp for torturous brainwashing. When he and his fellow dreamers are rescued by a band of vigilantes called Dream On, Ethan leads them all on a quest to find the mysterious Old Man who has been haunting his dreams.
Pursuant stars Windson Liong, Mabel Yeo, Crystal Cordial, Nora Samosir, Lim Yu Beng, Candice de Rozario and Dwayne Lau. It is directed by local theatre maven Jonathan Lim, who encourages youths to dream for a good future.
“Youths need to be free to dream. If they don’t, we won’t have visions for the future,” he says.
“Dreaming is not just good for our country, it is imperative. This musical reaches out to our youths, their parents, their teachers and reminds us all of the importance of growing up with dreams,” he adds.