26-28 April: Party sky-high at Bar Rouge, score 'Avengers: Endgame' merch with Grab, get an elite athletic experience with Under Armour, and more!
This is the fight of our lives… No, not Thanos, but the inconveniences of everyday life itself!
And so, Grab and Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame have teamed up, to bring together a group of remarkable people and see if they could become something more, when we need them to to fight the battles we never could. (Yes, we are very much in the Endgame mood!) The result? Grab’s Saving the Everyday With One Super App campaign!
Until 5 May 2019, unlock exclusive Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame merchandise (we’re loving the cool baseball cap), movie tickets, passes to Grab’s premiere screening, as well as a trip for two to New York with passes to Comic-Con 2019 for one lucky Grab user by simply using the many everyday services available on the Grab app!
Click here for more information.
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The Chinese New Year celebrations are bursting with exciting activities!
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