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20 Pokemon-Inspired Foods — Gotta Eat Em all!

From Pikachu burgers to Jigglypuff cake pops and even Pokeball Ramen

By Samantha Francis

Got your Pokeballs in a frenzy thanks to Pokemon Go?

Contrary to the growing hype about the game making its way to Asia's shores, the developer has announced that there are currently no plans for release of the app outside of New Zealand, Australia, the US and Germany.

To nurse your disappointment, here's a better solution than ranting about it on social media (and risking the loss of your job).

With these 20 Pokemon-inspired foods from around the world, you can literally have your Pikachu and eat it too.

Created by restaurants, cafes and home cooks alike, these tasty items are an imaginative take on the adorable 'pocket monsters'.

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