As a busy parent, it’s important not to forget to schedule time for yourself too By Susan Koh If there’s one thing that mums don’t get enough, it’s time for ourselves. Like uninterrupted, undisturbed time when someone is not asking ...
cc Repetto Bottling the gentle and graceful sensibilities of a ballerina, Repetto has come up with their first eau de toilette with musky powdered rose, pear and cherry blossom, rose fused with orange blossom and vanilla pods for a tender ...
Hair loss is a touchy subject among men but there are ways to stem the loss before it is too late. We speak with an expert By Cheryl Chia Scientifically termed androgenetic alopecia, the problem of hair loss can be ...
Pursue a Master of Arts in Leadership and Educational Change, an innovative joint-degree offered by NIE, NTU and teacher’s college, Columbia university What is education for and why and how should change take place? The “Master of Arts in Leadership ...
The Lego Friends range has launched a short film and a limited edition diary to bring back the joys of being with friends Lego Friends, the product range revolving around five friends in the fictional Heartlake City, for girls aged ...
Husband and wife both need a break on the weekend, and have different perspectives. Focus on the Family tells you how to prevent conflict with your spouse Most human conflict results from differing assumptions by the two parties. When husbands ...
On ‘Movember’ 1, millions of men around the world will stand together and forge a hairy alliance to assure a healthier life for all men Generation Mo plans to change the actions and attitudes of men when it comes to ...
Smells and odours have an undeniable impact on our daily lives, from helping in relaxation to improving concentration, to triggering memories Our olfactory memories are powerful ones, and the scent of a loved one’s perfume could trigger in us memories ...
New Similac Gain IQ formulas are tailored to the needs of growing children As children go through crucial developmental years, it is important that they are provided with the essential nutrients for growth. Good nutrition plays a vital role in ...
A new study conducted shows that nutrition and reading stimulations are closely associated with toddler language development in Singapore If you are what you eat, then giving your child the best nutrition would correlate to a better growth. A new ...