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5 Singlish Words We Can’t Believe Are In The Oxford Dictionary

You can now say you're blur and it'll be perfectly acceptable English

By Pamela Chow

It was amusing enough that "la" and "kampong" were previously added to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) - now, even more Singlish words have been inducted into the official this-is-acceptable-English list.

Now, Microsoft Word, please stop trying to correct my Singlish. If this can help cement Singaporean identity, I'd say it's rather "shiok" - I'm sorry, I mean, shiok.

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(Photo: expatadventuresinsingapore.com)

4. Blur

Since “blur” is actually an English word, you’ll see a range of definitions that came before the Singlish addition when you look it up.

The Singlish definition appears at the bottom, and describes “blur” as “Slow in understanding; unaware, ignorant, confused. Sometimes reduplicated for emphasis.”

So, apparently, “blur” and “blur-blur” are now acceptable by OED standards. Now you can’t act blur any more.

Also see: “Sotong”, which is connected to the “Blur” entry. “Blur like sotong” is also proper English now.

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