Ran out of Korea shows to watch? Here are some highly recommended Chinese dramas for you. ...
You can still enjoy great movies at home with brand new blockbusters premiering every Saturday at 9pm on HBO, and a vast selection of movies available across the various entertainment platforms such as HBO GO and Warner TV, WarnerMedia. ...
Fan of Harley Quinn? Wait for the release of Birds of Prey! Harley Quinn is back! So is Sonic The Hedgehog! ...
There are so many good shows to catch this month from the thrilling Joker to Disney's favourite Maleficent Mistress of Evil to the creepy Addams Family! ...
Go back in time with enchanting shadow puppetry and travel to space with Brad Pitt. ...
1. LumiNation 2019: Building Identity With National Day coming up, August is a good time to re-examine what and how we define the Singaporean identity. That is the focus of LumiNation, which returns for a second edition from 15 to ...
Join a magic carpet ride to Agrabah on the stage, swing around the world with Spidey, and revisit Pride Rock ...
Celebrate Pride Month through films, rediscover Jean Grey's powers, and hang with the Toy Story gang one more time ...
Celebrate International Women's Day with Captain Marvel and a thought-provoking local stage performances ...
Catch the best of Asian and French cinema, and dive back into the magical action of J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World ...