Introducing probiotics into your life could be highly beneficial to your health
Each time we fall ill and take prescribed antibiotics, the medicine kills both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract. Hence, the need to introduce them into our diet.
Probiotics are considered “friendly bacteria” that help keep intestines healthy and assist in digesting food. It is also needed to synthesise Vitamin K, folic acid and Vitamin B12.
Probiotics can be found in some fermented food items such as yoghurt, miso soup, and certain kinds of dark chocolate as well as other food items such as tempeh – a fermented soy bean product – and even the Korean pickled cabbage, kimchi.
If you don’t already incorporate some probiotic foods into your diet, perhaps supplemental probiotics can help you maintain a healthy gut.
The most common strains of supplemental probiotics are Lactobacillus (e.g. Acidophilus) and Bifido-bacterium. Products containing more strains may be more attractive because different strains provide different health benefits.
Different strains may work together in synergy. Certain strains may not be able to colonise in some people while other strains may.
There are more than 500 different types of bacteria in the digestive tract and probiotics provide health benefits by keeping harmful bacteria in check while supporting the immune system.
A healthy person generally maintains the right balance of gut flora but some may still require probiotic supplements.

The Power of Probiotics
There is good scientific evidence that probiotics are effective in preventing and treating gastro-intestinal conditions, especially diarrhoea.
A meta-analysis of nine studies found that children below three years of age who were given probiotics had shorter duration and lesser frequency of diarrhoea compared to those who were given a placebo.
Probiotics have also been shown to reduce the incidence and severity of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, which may arise from imbalance of gut flora due to consumption of antibiotics.
Probiotics may help people suffering from traveller’s diarrhoea as well.
A study involving American tourists who had visited several developing countries found that probiotics were effective in preventing diarrhoea.
On the other hand, probiotics can also be used to treat constipation by helping bowel movement.

Probiotics for Your Gut
People who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) may experience abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating and changes in bowel habits.
Sometimes the person may end up with diarrhoea or constipation. At other times, there may be a combination of diarrhoea and constipation.
There is scientific evidence that lactobacilli and bifido-bacteria may reduce flatulence, bloating and other symptoms associated with IBS.
Other inflammatory bowel diseases include Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease. Ulcerative Colitis is a disease of the colon that involves ulcers, while the latter can take place in any part of the gastro-intestinal tract.
By controlling the growth of pathogenic bacteria, probiotics offer a more attractive and less harsh form of therapy compared to antibiotics.
Probiotics may boost immune system activity. It may also improve immunity by competitively inhibiting the growth of harmful micro-biota.
For example, disruption of the vaginal micro-flora may result in candidiasis or thrush. Simply restoring the microbial balance of the genital area with probiotics may treat this infection.
The probiotics have been reported in clinical trials to reduce vaginal skin redness and discharge. It is also beneficial to both adults and children suffering from eczema.
Probiotics are efficacious only if they survive the stomach acid and bile degradation as they pass through the gastro-intestinal tract. Probiotic supplements usually contain several billions of microorganisms to ensure adequate gut colonisation.
It is advisable to separate the taking of probiotics and antibiotics by a duration of at least two hours.

Prebiotics & Probiotics
Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates that can be used as a food source for probiotics. Prebiotics can be found in foods such as bananas and whole grains which help probiotics thrive in the system.
Probiotics are generally safe products. However, there could be side effects including bloating and flatulence. People who are critically ill or taking immuno suppressants should avoid taking probiotic products.
Check with your doctor if you are considering adding supplements to your diet to ensure that you find the proper supplement for you.
Holland & Barrett supplements are available at all Holland & Barrett stores around the island, subject to item availability.
Where to Get Probiotics
Holland & Barrett probiotic supplements come from a frozen bacterial culture which is of a vegan source. Holland & Barrett Probiotic Acidophilus Chewable comes in strawberry flavour and is formulated for children over three years of age.
For adults, try the Holland & Barrett Mega Potency Acidophilus which provides four different bacterial strains and three billion active cultures per capsule.
The store also carries a third-party brand of probiotic product called Forever Young – Probio 7 Advanced Formula. Each capsule of Probio 7 provides you with 10 billion bacteria, eight different bacterial strains and two types of prebiotic fibres.
Visit www.hollandandbarrett.com.sg for more details on promotions and store locations.
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