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7 Tips To Help You Master The Art Of Food Photography

Nugene Chiang of Canon Imaging Academy imparts tricks of the trade to transform your daily fare into a gastronomical photo spread

Photo: Canon

A mouth-watering dish on the front cover of your favourite gourmet magazine is never captured by fluke.

While an expertly-plated dish wins half the battle, the magic to luscious food photography lies in the ability to convey an appropriate mood or emotion.

From the type of equipment to the styling, a photographer’s ability to pay attention to details distinguishes Insta-worthy photos from those forever relegated to your camera’s archives.

To help budding food photographers achieve this, Nugene Chiang of Canon Imaging Academy tells us that it is crucial to take time to plan one's shot before snapping away.

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6. Contrast is key

Take note of the hue of your food and don’t be shy to shift things around and play up the contrast between your food and its background.

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