To promote the new blockbuster X-Men: Days of Future Past, Hugh Jackman and gang came to visit
Hugh Jackman, Peter Dinklage and Fan Bing Bing delighted all with their charm at the X-Men: Days of Future Past movie press conference.

Could you describe your role in the new film?
Hugh Jackman: You see a whole different side of Wolverine in this movie. He is more of a diplomat and a mentor in this movie, which is not really his skill set…
What advice do you have for Channing Tatum as he joins the X-Men as gambit?
Jackman: I’m thrilled for Channing. I’ve never really heard of him before this and it is going to be a great break for him!
For someone of his success and stature to join the X men team, it really speaks volumes about the X-Men story.
Did you do any special work out for that sexy back-shot scene of Wolverine?
Peter Dinklage: I was actually his stunt double for that scene…
Jackman: For a scene like that you need to be ready on the day and it takes me really long to get in shape.
Jackman reminisced the day the assistant director decided that the sexy scene that was supposed to be shot on May 21 was to be pushed back to a later date. Jackman replied, “Here’s the deal: you can do whatever scene you want on May 21, but I will be naked.”

I’d like to speak to Wolverine…
A DJ/reporter: When you have your rib eye, do you use cutlery or do you just stab the rib eye?
Wolverine: You makin’ fun of me?
The two proceed to take their ‘fight’ outside and leave Dinklage and Fan to answer the questions. They returned after a short while.
X Men: Days of Future Past premiered on May 22, featuring the characters from the older X-Men movies joining forces with their younger selves to fight a war of survival across two dimensions of time.
By Basil Lee
X-Men: Days of Future Past [PG13]
DIRECTOR: Bryan Singer
STARRING: Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy & Jennifer Lawrence
GENRE: Sci-fi, Action
RUN LENGTH: 131 min

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