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10 Famous Instagram Dog Accounts That You Need To Follow Right Now

These canine celebrities will certainly brighten your day one instapic at a time

While nothing beats having a four-legged companion shower you with slobbery kisses, the deprived will just have to make do with the internet for their furry fix. And frankly, it isn't half as bad!

Proving to be more than pretty flatlays, breathtaking sceneries and #thirsttrap pictures of gorgeous human beings, Instagram serves as a wonderful outlet to give users a daily dosage of cuteness via some biggest, widely-followed doggy sensations in the world!

Here are just 10 of them to brighten your day:

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7. @shunsuke_ekusnuhs

Shunsuke is Japan’s most popular insta-dog, to the point it was fronting media outlets like books and tv shows in the country! Unfortunately, the account has remained inactive since March 2017 as the dog has gone to doggy heaven. But you can still fall in love with all its cuteness by visiting the official Instagram page, a place where its legacy lives forever.

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