With mammoth portions, including the “Turducken”, you just can’t say no to this feast
By Brandon Era
Famous for their “Mammoth Signatures” and communal dining concept, Spathe’s Christmas menu continues to impress. The familial touch makes the dining experience even more excellent. “These are flavours I’ve grown up with, and this menu was inspired by all the food I’ve seen during my Christmas celebrations back home,” says Executive Chef Claudio Sandri.
“I’ve put this menu together with a distinctive Singaporean touch so that local diners may relate to their roots, as well as mine,” he says.
Mindboggling Proportions
True to Spathe’s tradition, Chef Claudio introduces two Christmas Mammoth Signatures which will easily feed up to six diners. The “Turducken” ($159) is a delightful poultry portmanteau of a quail in a chicken in a duck in a turkey. These birds of a feather are then wrapped in a sinfully good layer of bacon, accompanied by Brussels sprouts sautéed in brown butter, finely-roasted chestnuts and garlic potatoes and finished with cabbage braised in cranberry juice and red wine. A side of homemade cranberry sauce also adds the finishing touch to this delectable dish.
The Seafood Stack ($178) is every bit as towering as the name suggests and chockfull of whole lobsters, oysters, sous-vide octopus, baby squid, green-lipped mussels and prawns.
“From the Sky, Fields & Sea”
The classic French roasted pigeon is given a piquant Asian twist in The “Traveller” ($28), which features pigeon marinated in a local homemade sambal paste for 24 hours before roasting it to perfection, giving the diner a bursting mouthful of juiciness and tenderness, with a surprisingly crisp exterior.
Another winsome dish is Beef in the Soup ($19), which had always been a wintry comfort food for him when he was younger. Enjoy a slow-cooked oxtail in a flavourful broth paired with onions, Brussels sprouts and celery. The tender meat falls off the bone and does indeed warm the stomach.
The 3 Kings Smoked Salmon ($18) is undoubtedly incredible. With the smoked Scottish king salmon with capers and red onions, the flavour of the salmon is preserved in the smoking technique used.
Finish the meal with an exquisitely Singapore-inspired Durian Log Cake ($18), which proudly showcases a velvety puree of premium durian rolled between layers of vanilla sponge, topped off with a drizzle of caramel sauce. This is a dessert worthy to top off an amazing Christmas menu.
Spathe Public House, 8 Mohamed Sultan Road, #01-01, Singapore 238958, Tel: 6735 1035
All mammoth signatures require a minimum of three days’ advance order.