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10 Questions Riverdale Season 2 Needs To Answer

Spoilers ahead: Rumours of the undead, addressing incest and Betty's long-lost brother

Photo: Cole Sprouse/ The CW Network

After binging on all 13 episodes of Riverdale, the finale left me with more questions than answers.

That was despite solving the mystery of who killed Jason, which was pretty much the only plot line driving the entire series in the first half.

Based on the popular comic series Archie, Riverdale went down a much darker path — think a mix between Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars.

The climax started with Jason Blossom's death, which was eventually revealed to just be one little broken strand in the town's intricate web of secrets.

That's not all, each family's history was found to be entangled in a dramatic mess that could potentially cost lives and friendships.

Unfortunately, the finale of the season was more concerned with setting the scene for the following season instead of tying up loose ends.

Here are ten questions we want answered:

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7. Does Jughead really join the Southside Serpent Gang?

While I want a happy ending for Jughead, I’m pretty sure that it does not bode well with the Southside Serpent gang.

With police investigating the drug trafficking problem brought to light by Clifford Blossom’s murder, it looks like the Southside Serpents will be in the limelight again.

Plus, Jughead was never happy with his father’s involvement with the gang, so why the sudden change of heart?

Does he not realize that Archie (despite all his faults) and gang have always got his back?

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