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#TheWeekendList: 4-6 December 2020

Are you into games? We have Breadcrumbs, TactSim and many more activities this week just for you!

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3. Singapore’s First PvP Airsoft Arena -TactSim

TactSim, Singapore’s first indoor Player versus Player (PvP) airsoft arena at HomeTeamNS’ newest Khatib clubhouse has officially opened. Offering a range of realistic equipment and unique gameplay environment, TactSim features multiple programming possibilities. Incorporating realistic security-related and emergency scenarios to choose from.

TactSim is designed as a professional competitive shooting sports facility. Thus, providing an exciting combat experience within a safe and highly realistic training environment. Having the arena customizable to simulate residential and industrial environments that are similar to urban combat training. Moreover, it serves to mimic real-life scenarios that HomeTeamNS men will face.

Participants can engage in skirmishes or scenario games against each other in groups of up to 40 players per game. Using airsoft replicas that launch 6mm plastic pellets at safe velocities for a whole day of fun.

In compliance with prevailing COVID 19 Safe Management Measures, the group size is currently limited to ten players (five against five per game). In the initial opening phase, TactSim is only open to HomeTeamNS Members and HomeTeam-related agencies due to capacity limits.

For more information, please click here.

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